Can Books Change the World?

The world of literature has plenty to offer. However, rarely a novel emerges that truly alters reality. It helps us see truths that we were either blind to or trying to avoid. The majority of these books are from the past, and others claim that contemporary literature simply isn't as powerful. Why is it the case? And what makes novels that affect the world so unique?
  1. 1984 The dystopian novel by George Orwell, published in 1949, depicts a totalitarian England that monitors and controls its residents' behaviour, thoughts, and even worldview. It seems that 1984 will always be relevant because actual human governments continue to proceed in the same path. This book reappears when people are in danger of falling into the same societal, media, and governmental traps in order to alert them and motivate them to prevent its fictional story from becoming reality.
  2. The Handmaid’s Tale It is mainly dystopian books that have profoundly influenced society the most. Their realism and poignancy reflect the outcome of horrible possibilities that often turn into high probabilities in real life. A literary work like Margaret Atwood's 1985 novel, which warns against an oppressive regime, is an example of this. In response to the fertility crisis, theocratic US governments strip women of their rights before assigning them to domestic, housekeeping, or reproductive jobs. In the event patriarchal ideologies flourish, things can go badly. This is a valuable and frequently cited reminder.
  3. The Diary of Anne Frank The lessons imparted by non-fiction are even more powerful than those imparted by fiction. It is imperative not to forget the horrors of WWII in order to avoid repeating them in the future. The secret Annex is a revision of Anne's diary that she wrote while hiding from the Nazis in order to preserve all of her memories for posterity. Thanks to Miep Gies and Otto Frank, Anne Frank's texts are today available in almost every human language since they were first published in 1947. There is an even stronger moral influence on readers in these books than in 1984 and The Handmaid's Tale because they relate actual events and recount very real incidents.

How do books become powerful?

We can summarise some key features of literary works that remain ingrained in our consciousness and advance as a "civilized" species based on the examples above.
  • Taking real-world concerns as a starting point
  • Bringing uncomfortable truths to the table
  • An engaging or moving piece of writing
  • An audience that is willing
  • In societies, a sense of luck determines the way a book's messages are actually realized and creates a desire for its words to be brought back to life
Going back to the subject of this article, are there any literary works from this century that have the potential to make a significant impact on society? The answer vacillates between "yes" and "it's complicated". On the one hand, it can be challenging to distinguish between truths and lies due to the abundance of texts and perspectives. On the other hand, there are still a ton of excellent publications available from reputable independent or self-publishing sources. In light of this abundant supply, readers may be far more informed and already on-board with ethical or cultural messages in novels. This may make them less revolutionary than they could have been if they had been released 50 years earlier. This entirely depends on readers having an open mind, selecting quality books, and navigating the frequently purposefully murky literary seas. Having said that, some works from the twenty-first century have distinguished themselves for having a very important psychological and societal impact. Authors are being inspired by current crises including black lives, women's rights, immigration, and other issues to create strong works that grab attention and promote change.


There are plenty of books available now in print, digital, and audio formats. For book lovers, it's thrilling, but it also makes it difficult to identify the truly influential titles among them. But somehow the view is that there are plenty of motivational books written in the twenty-first century. The environment surrounding literature has evolved as technology, politics, the media, and other factors have distorted our perspective of what is right or fair. But this can be overcome. Authors are in a great position to spread the truth and encourage cooperation in the fight against our time's injustices because to the wide range of mediums at their disposal. Books that affect the world continue to be published for the benefit of an audience that is becoming more morally and logically aware because the pen is still far more powerful than the sword.